
I pointed out your trolling based on your extremely juvenile response. Instead of crying about it, why don’t you use this opportunity to grow? You are delusional about Hillary. You could research her misgivings in 30 seconds but you won’t.

Dood? Really? Anyway, of course you are wrong, but you probably knew that already. My first response was to a claim that a Trump election would the worse thing ever. My perfectly reasonable response was that Hillary is just as bad. So like I said, you just needed some attention.

Yeah. Of course she is. You can’t get past your left wing politics.

You had no original point. You felt the need to troll and I shouldn’t have bothered with you. You offer nothing to the conversation.

You don’t need a liberal “fact checker” to understand what a disgusting liar she is. Trump exaggerate his wealth. Hillary lies to the families of dead Americans for politics. She even lied about the FBI saying she’d didn’t lie. I’m not defending Trump. All I said is that she is just as bad. She is just more calculated

When ignorant people don’t have facts on their side, they tend to resort to name calling. Sound familiar?

I shouldn’t bother to reply to that dopey comment but I had to tell you to grow up. The adults are talking. The solution is to not vote for pathological liars or loudmouth blowhards. The solution is to not try to excuse her repulsive behavior. Simple, isn’t it.

I forgot. Artiofab is afraid that if he reads an alternative opinion, he may be cured of some of his ignorance. That would be horrible.

I’m willing to bet the majority of the Gizmodo crowd agrees with you. It’s not an overly diverse group. Unfortunately it doesn’t change the fact that Hillary is just a horrible person. At this point I would have taken Bernie over either of them. He might wrong on every single issue, but at least he believed the things

No. I mean the pathological liar and generally horrible human being that only the most far left of the apologists would still try to defend. It’s funny and sad at the sad ttim. We are so screwed...

Like it will be any better with the most corrupt politician of our time.

Bring on the sound powered Jetson’s car.

Android auto correct is a nightmare. MIne are around the same time. I have them to my son. The best thing I had was an autographed Ted Williams card. Boy that guy was a prick.

They could be if you were around in the 50's. :) The internet ruined the vavalu also. Before if you wanted a certain Frank Thomas card, you had to find a store with it or trade. Note there are 50 on eBay.

It’s not hypocritical because the legislators are not picking stocks for the funds. I’m much more concerned that a state retirement fund is gambling on an unprofitable company like Tesla.

For some reason I got an Alfredo Griffin in almost every pack I opened.

I still like the Billy Ripken fuck face card my mother bought for me.

Sure.. I believe you if it makes you feel better.

Instead of comic books, they should have invested their money into 90's baseball cards like I did. Some day they are going to be worth a fortune.

You obviously have the viewpoint that you should be given free stuff because you are too dumb or too lazy to earn it yourself. I’ll go with the former since you were unable to articulate a single point. I’m going to do the worst possible thing and ignore any more of your drivel. Here is your opportunity for another