
Your entire premise is wrong. First, I am talking about the United States (and probably most developed countries). I am not talking about the worst (economically) countries in Africa. I do find it funny that you are basically comparing hardships of millennials and third world nations.

Either you didn’t read my reply, our you have no valid point to make. Either way it probably speaks to the issues you have in life.

I’m picking up your passive aggression. You keep worrying about what everyone else has. I will worry about myself. I’m sure it will work out well for you.

Wrong. I worked my way through college a long time ago. I have a good career now. Going forward I want more. I’m not whining about the success other people have had. I’m setting myself up for the same thing. More freshman should think that way.

I don’t expect you to lose your victims mentality by conversing with a stranger on the internet. History has proved you wrong over and over again. The welfare society we live in has created this mindset.

Some people will always have it easier than others. Stop blaming them for your issues. Get over it. Nobody is keeping you down.

Of course it does. Millions of people have done it, despite what Bernie says. It starts with not making excuses and not being jealous of successful people.

I don’t agree with your premise about college. That’s not to say there aren’t some very unique cases, but for the most part there are plenty of options. Not everyone needs to go to a 50k a year college. Go to a state college. Go to a community college for two years and transfer. I’ll bet most people who complain about

Working your way through college is an “arrogant privileged douchebag” but thinking of yourself as a useless victim is being a “decent human being”? Seriously bud. Grow up.

You can be a victim if you want to. I will make myself successful.

Poor people and middle class people are not victims. They are perfectly capable of helping themselves.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought so. To me he was just saying if something is broke, don’t sit around and whine about it. Fix it. I can see why a certain segment of the population would not like that.

I assume there are lots of Russian spies around. It doesn’t make him any less guilty.

I guess you just needed some attention. I hope this helped.

So you just make silly statements that you can’t support. I get it.

I’m sure they deal with thousands of these requests daily. It probably comes down to the judgement of two different people, or a change in policy. Either way it’s not a big deal.

Give an example of how I’m wrong.

First, grow up. Second, take a deep breath and calm down. Third, you are mixing two different things. Yes, he exposed a spying program that went to far. He also exposed a ton of other secret information that had nothing to do with american civil liberties. He aided our enemies and should be hung. You are too caught up

Sorry I misread your first post. I’m sure there are spies. It’s a constant cat and mouse game.

So you think he carefully chose to release secrets that had nothing to with protecting the freedom of US citizens, and that’s supposed to be better?