
Enjoy your ignorance buddy. I’m sure it will serve you well.

As I said repeatedly, if you spoke like an adult I would engage you. Think about that going forward in your life.

Well there’s your problem.

I can see why someone as ignorant as yourself would be frustrated. I refuse to indulge your obnoxious behavior. Now you acknowledge she is a liar because you realize how ridiculous you were acting. You certainly implied that she was not. It’s funny that project your “goal post shifting” on to me.

You are too ignorant to debate and too lazy to look at the evidence. It’s a valid opinion to say that Hillary is the lesser of two evils because you agree with her (sometimes) liberal politics. It is not valid to pretend that she is not a repulsive liar. Now you are resorting to hyperbole. That’s just sad.

I have no interest in trying to convince you. You already decided that you are smarter than anyone who has a different opinion than you. She is caught in another lie almost every day but you will ignore it or make excuses. She was a horrible secretary of state. It looks like more info is about to be leaked on that.

Oh please... Save the self righteous crap. Ignorance is assuming that your opinion is more informed than someone else’s. You can ignore her bold face lies if you want to. That is your choice not mine.

I’d vote for a woman, just not her. Let’s draft Condie!

The difference between Trump and Hillary is that he is a blowhard while she is a pathological liar.

No, the reason for my response is because I disagree with the author that Trump will be worse than Hillary. After typing it I realized it was vague and knew exactly what the first response (and probably multiple more) would be.

I’m sorry. Try again when you have something intelligent to say.

Grow up buddy.

Because the predictability amuses me.

I got it. (To be honest I looked up Graham’s number). I’m just explaining that she edges out Trump in the scumbag department for me.

They both definitely suck. She just makes my skin crawl. How did we get here??

I knew some silly liberal would try that.

Your Trump versus Hillary numbers are a little off.

It’s sad to me that you think common sense and logic is a hole. How’s that working for ya?

Or she wanted a more accurate statement.

No. That was not my point and your statement is wrong. I’ve repeated myself enough.