
It was wrong last time but maybe this time will be different.

Again I don’t think so. People are just reading too much into it.

Sure you do if you want to say definitively that nothing else could possibly exist. There is nothing wrong with her phrasing.

Of course you can prove the earth is round. You are really grasping at straws.

No, as I just said to someone else, any reputable doctor would not claim to have read every single study when they have not. They save such claims for the internet.

Nobody argued the study was bad. It doesn’t change the argument. No good doctor pretends they know every study about everything, because they don’t. Neither does anyone here.

The difference you are missing is that you can PROVE that the earth is round. You cannot prove that something doesn’t exist. I am an atheist. I can still acknowledge that there is no proof that god doesn't exist.

You are grossly exaggerating what she said. Admitting that it is possible there is something you are not aware of doesn’t make you a lesser person.

As I have said many times, no I don’t think so. I can admit that I don’t know everything though. You haven’t read every study that’s available on google, nevetmind the ones that aren't.

That’s a part of a bigger problem in society. A google search does not prove it doesn’t exist. It only means you can’t find it.

I’m willing to risk it over corrupt Hillary unless a viable third party candidate steps forward. I don’t see it happening.

I doubt it. She might lose two votes, including Jenny McCarthy.

I’ll let you know if you make one.

It’s amusing to me to watch you do everything but make a valid point.

A hypothetical won’t win an argument. Your silly tone doesn’t help your cause since I know nothing about her. Nice try though.

Or wiggle room in case there is something she doesn’t know...

Not really. Add science advances, we are constantly finding things that we thought couldn’t exist.

I don’t follow her and have no vested interest either way.

My point exactly. It took me a while to learn just how much guessing doctors do.

I don’t agree with your premise. I don’t think her statement endangers anyone and doesn’t even encourage the false belief. It just gave her wiggle room.