
You act like you have read every single study, in every single language by every single person. You are really trying to argue something that we agree on. Vaccines do not cause autism. That’s it. It doesn’t change the FACT that none of us know everything.

That’s a completely different issue. Understanding you don’t know everything and making educated decisions are not mutually exclusive.

That you are aware of.

People are reading too much into it. Not everything is s a conspiracy.

You can’t prove that something doesn’t exist. I’m all for vaccines but I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a half-assed study somewhere showing a link. I seriously doubt the anti-vaccine crowd is worth pandering to.

Sure doesn’t look like it. My guess is she knew every commentator would be desperately searching Google for some weak study to contradict her.

My thought exactly. She fixed the wording to allow for the possibility that there is something she wasn’t aware of.

Your ears must have been ringing like crazy. I couldn’t have asked for a better example of what I was saying. Thank you.

In other words you had nothing to say, but you desperately needed attention so you just keep talking. I got it already. You don’t need to keep proving it over and over. (I’m sure you will).

How ironic that you would mention literacy. I never argued one way or another about climate change. My point (thank you again for proving) is that ignorant people such as yourself will make a bunch of juvenile comments at the thought of someone having a different opinion then themselves.

Ha. Yet another one proves my point. Just because you are over 18 (probably not by much) doesn’t really mean you are an adult. Grow up buddy.

Of course that’s not reality, but you really expanded the list of the people you are jealous of. I guess it’s impossible for a black female to be successful.

You “somewhat agreed” but continue to argue (without really making a point). You should explore that need and figure out the cause.

I agree. I originally typed “to prove to the holdouts” but I didn’t want to be confrontational.

Although I hope there is finally enough evidence to prove that Hillary is the most corrupt politician in modern times, I suspect that she is smart enough to not put anything incriminating in writing. The best we will get will probably come from her lackeys.

Please stop making things up. I’m embarrassed for you. It’s cute how you post a bunch of obnoxious replies then pretend to take the high road. Pretending not to understand anything only makes it worse.

Thank you for proving my point for me. I hope you find the attention you desperately crave.

That makes no sense but whatever makes you feel better.

I miss my HTPC. I wish M$ would have kept up Media Center or at least made it open source.

stupid autocorrect.