
To each his owname, but I think you are in the minority in this. My laptop came with Windows 8 and it was horrible.

If you read back in the thread I already spoke about that. Nice try.

The difference is I respond to name calling and obnoxious, rude comments, not different opinions.

I’ll give him credit, Elon Musk does not think small.

Windows 7 is fine. Windows 8 sucks. Windows 10 is pretty good.

You can deny it, but you repeated the same invalid argument three times.

Let me quote you:

Great... What part of that says “shut up”? I believe my opinion is correct, which is why I said it. You seem to think it’s strange I didn’t change my opinion when confronted with the same incorrect statements.

I never told anyone to shut up. That is just your petulant view because you disagree with what I said. You typed a lot in your last response but actually said nothing. You can encourage people to make excuses and I will encourage them to help themselves.

So you are trying to defend obnoxious replies to people who have a different view? That’s sad...

I’m not sure if that was meant for me because I never argued climate change, just that many people will get obnoxious when a different view is expressed.

I’m guessing you completely made that up. The fact is most wealth is first generation.

Not for long. Wait until they rise up and invade the land.

Where did I do that? You are making things up to support your ignorance.

Yes. Many small minded people agree with you.

Thank you for being a perfect example if what I was talking about.

The point was that the childish liberal posters here are not capable have having an adult conversation without insulting people who disagree with them. Maybe that’s internet commentors in general, but the Gizmodo/Gawker crowd is overwhelmingly left.

It doesn’t matter if the article is real. You are not supposed to say anything that the liberal masses disagree with.

“When you take all that money, and don’t spend a dime of it helping the people under you, you’re making the world a worse place.”

I don’t think it really matters if Trump is at the keyboard or not. The response is already written.