
I explained it further but it did not change. I’m amazed that people complain so much. There are a whole lot of kids who will never see their father again. I’m glad he was stopped before the number was higher.

Cite something to the contradict anything I said. As I said, he has a rifle that can shoot a long way and HE says he is going to kill more people. Those guys should get medals for creatively saving lives.

Confined to a building means nothing. He has a rifle. He can shoot MANY people from a building. It’s not like this is days later. The situation never stopped. He shot a lot of people and had no intentions of stopping (by his own words). Police not only have a right to stop him, they have a DUTY to do so.

Facebook has said the issue was theirs and had nothing to do with the police. The fact that you are still desperately trying to create a controversy shows your agenda.

Which countries are you talking about specifically?

You don’t live in reality. Turn the TV off.

I assumed you were from some backwards, third world country where police are supposed to stand still while criminals shoot them. Otherwise your comments make no sense.

I’m not sure which post you replied to, but that’s exactly what I explained. There was no reason to think the threat was over.

I try my best to understand all points of view, but you make my head hurt. All police officers put their lives on the line every day. That doesn’t mean that they have to be stupid about it. It’s sad to me that you are more concerned about terrorists then people trying to protect you.

Your premise is completely wrong. Revenge or punishment had nothing to do with it. The guy killed many people and injured many more. He said that his intention was to kill many more people. Since he had a rifle (and claimed to have bombs) there was no other way to prevent him from hurting more people.

I hope you are willing to stand in front of the next active shooter and take some rounds so that some bleeding heart liberal doesn’t get offended.

I guess it doesn’t matter to you that he already killed five people and injured numerous others. Happy thoughts will solve the problem.

Time for a new country.

“Whether the circumstances in this attack in Dallas justify the use of deadly force is something that I think we just don’t have enough information on yet”

What a silly partisan article...

The headline is leading. That being said the cops should use anything available when a maniac is shooting innocent people and threatening that it will get worse. We don’t tie the hands of the people who have to protect us and themselves. Great job by Dallas PD.

Naive about what? Please explain that one since never said there aren’t some bad cops.

That’s a big presumption. To anybody with knowledge of how it works, it’s as silly as saying “shoot him in the leg”. TV is not reality.

Deleting it from the phone is a different story. Faraday cages are not as reliable as putting the phone in airplane mode. In any case, from the recent update and as I suspected, people are making assumptions that are wrong. The internet know-it-alls are judge, jury and executioner.

No. None of those options work reliably. What happens when the guy comes out shooting after a flash bang?