
None of that makes any sense.

Because it happened somewhere,some time, doesn’t mean it happened here. It also is not destruction of evidence if the video was saved but removed from the public. That being said it’s probably still wrong to do so.

No, allegations are allegations. Facts require proof. I suspect you like to make assumptions.

It’s an allegation, not a fact.

I’m not sure what the allegation is.

MPC is pretty good, but it’s definitely not compatible with EVERY video file.

It all depends on the product. Generic Pop Tarts are gross.

Yup. It’s just painful to watch now. Granted I’m a little older now.

Probably because they are the easiest to grow with hydroponics.

Best episode ever!

I think the headline is putting the cart before the horse.

I don’t get it.

My galaxy tab s was a great tablet. Then I tried to replace the battery and broke the screen. Sigh..

I don’t know that we need such a declaration. I don’t know if anyone is dying of starvation in this country. I can only speak to my city, but at least two meals are provided every single day. The shelter is open every night. On top of that, virtually all of the homeless collect disability. Of course there are many

I think just about everyone has had at least one great idea. Most people never do anything with them.

It is true. I work with the homeless full time so it’s not a theory.

The overwhelming majority of homeless people are addicts or have severe mental health issues (often but not always due to drugs). It doesn’t matter what you hand to them if those problems continue. I don’t know how to fix either of them but it’s the only way to really fix the issue.

I haven’t heard of the program in Salt Lake City before. I’m curious if the problem has actually been solved, or the tax payers are just paying for housing for addicts indefinitely.

I realized you were too stupid to understand them. What’s the point? It’s like talking to chimp. Now I’m going to really hurt you by not giving you any more of the attention you crave. I’ll leave the last word to you. It will only support me further anyway.

Your attention seeking is just getting pathetic now.