
A few of them are insults anyway.

While the left are congratulating themselves about attacking Trump, Trump is winning by substantial numbers.

“The GOP can’t do that because they lack ideas. All they have is ideology.”

“Listen up little millenial”

If you did, you wouldn’t have made a comment that had been addressed three times already.

If it’s on a meme, it must be true.

“ so we may as well check it out now in order to prepare for his inevitable takeover of the country”

Read the whole thread if you are going to jump in.

Let me sum it up. You felt the need to made an obnoxious comment, even though you had no idea what you were talking about. Instead of acknowledging your mistake and moving on, you double down. So you’re “not advocating” target date funds, but you continue to argue anyway (without actually making a point). That my

“It’s buy and hold and hold and hold and redistribute every once in a while.”

This entire topic really isn’t all that interesting, so I will make this my last post and let you have the last word.

I like index funds also. There are some good mutual funds but you really have to pay attention to who is running them. In the end index funds are just easier.

If you are going to be snarky, at least have a clue what you are talking about. You are embarrassing yourself. My entire point was that you DON’T know what will happen in the future, so you don’t want to have all of your money in a fund that will sell your stock automatically without taking into account market


I wouldn’t be buying these funds anyway. You could still be shooting yourself in the foot. Invest based on the conditions of the market, not just your age. If there is a sharp, brief downturn, the fund might sell at the exact wrong time.

“You’re moving the goal posts, dick”

You are linking to one dissenting judge ego never actually heard the arguments. You also have no idea what the actual rates of fraud are. (As I have said several times)

I guess you didn’t bother to read the whole conversation about this already. It’s not to work. Don’t bother replying until you have unbiased evvidence that shows there is zero voter fraud.

You said so many ridiculous things, I’m not going to reply to them all. I’ll give you some highlights.

You are embarrassing yourself again. You’re like a fat kid trying to make fun of others for being overweight.