Mom and dad must be out of town. You are looking for attention. You can’t be serious about the New York Times. Now I see why you have trouble understanding any other opinions.
Mom and dad must be out of town. You are looking for attention. You can’t be serious about the New York Times. Now I see why you have trouble understanding any other opinions.
If you have time to step down from your self-righteous liberal soap box, trying making a point.
“No, there are hundreds of articles on the lack of voter fraud. What you’re doing is confirmation bias - you reject anything that doesn’t match your preconceived belief.”
If you had nothing to say, you didn’t need to reply.
So the only reliable article is the one written by the liberal professor who works for democrats? Seriously...
I disregard biased articles written by Democrats. You could search yourself but that would involve reading things that you don’t agree with. You wouldn’t want to do that. You can go and read some of the articles I linked to in another reply, or you can just go back to thinking how superior you are. Either way I’m good.
You are exaggerating my position because you don’t have a valid argument to make. I already spoke to that false article you linked to. Since you only read sources you agree with, I’ll help you out this time.
Hey dummy. Try reading something written by people without an agenda.
I always find it funny when someone trolls to call someone else a troll. Provide me evidence that there is zero fraud, otherwise you’re wrong or lazy or both.
Before you hurl insults, you might want to actually look into your source a little. You know.. Because it’s far from independent. The author is a left wing professor who specializes in working with Democrats to make sure all votes (for Democrats) are counted.
Your question is not valid because it’s not one or the other. You can duo both. The process is endangered by not ensuring the integrity of the results.
Just because you call something a fact, doesn’t make it so. Of course your statement is completely false, but you knew that already. You could argue that it’s statistically insignificant, but I would counter that you have no way to know that.
“Because Voter Fraud is non existent and is entirely about limiting the rights of poor voters usually that just happen to vote Democrat.”
Calm down skippy. You get all worked up when something goes against your left wing views. You need to expand your sources a bit and open your mind. Turn off MSNBC once in a while. There are plenty of options available to curb voter fraud without costing people money to vote, but Democrats oppose them all. Why do you…
They are implying they are too stupid. There are plenty of options to curb voter fraud that do not involve money, but Democrats oppose them all. Why do you think that is?
If there is any justice in this country anyway...
How exactly does requiring ID block any LEGAL voter from voting? The whole premise is silly. There are plenty of non liberal sources discussing voter fraud, but you clearly only pay attention to things that back your beliefs.
The reason the Democrats want to allow people to vote fraudulently is because they are the ones who benefit the most. They are not protecting anyone. It’s condescending and insulting for them to imply that some people are too stupid to get an ID.
Trump isn’t my first choice, but a part of me hopes he wins just because it will drive the snarky liberals crazy.
It’s going to be difficult to lead the free world from a federal prison.