Don’t take a car loan! If you can’t pay cash you can’t afford it.
Don’t take a car loan! If you can’t pay cash you can’t afford it.
It is really presumptuous to assume the cop is running from some dope and his IPhone turned the wrong way.
Sometimes it's just about feeling better even if it doesn't really protect you from germs, like using hand sanitizer. I'm still gonna use my foot to flush a public toilet.
I apologize for the snarkiness. I just don't agree with your premise. College debt is very dangerous and can be very overwhelming. The only debt more dangerous is owing the IRS. Having a college degree is a good thing, but it is not a guarantee to make a lot of money. There are millions of people in debt up to…
Ha.. actually know. I'm slamming student loans because I understand money and you obviously don't. I went to an affordable state college and I did take a student loan. I'm not hypocritical, I'm sharing experience. It is BETTER to not have a student loan holding over your head if you can avoid it. That's just…
I think you are arguing for the sake of arguing.
No debt is good debt. Some is just more tolerable than others.
Please don't give anyone financial advise because you have no idea what you are talking about. Interest rates are not great. Private loans are especially horrible. Many times rates are adjustable. You can't bankrupt student loans. The fees and interest just keeps piling up. Many people take out these insane…
Student loans are horrible. They should be avoided as much as possible.
I hate dealing with cords. I have a bunch of Dewalt 18V NiCad tools. The batteries last a long time. The downside is they burn out fairly quickly and are expensive to replace. I have a 20V Lithium ion drill that I haven't broken out yet. I have corded tools when needed but it's not usually worth the effort.
Not a handyman I'm guessing..
There is no such thing as "good debt", ESPECIALLY student loans.
It is ridiculous that anyone has to go through that but I think the anger is misplaced. There needs to be a better system for dealing with these criminals. This is not the type of thing the average cop is trained to do. I seriously doubt the taxpayers would support the large cost involved. The FBI, or whoever NYPD…
I think "What you can do about it" should have been left out of the title. The answer is more or less NOTHING.
That's all silly. Most people who open carry just want to feel tough. Must be over compensating for something. If you want to legally carry concealed, more power to you.
I wish this site would stick with tech news and not use a tragedy to push their liberal agenda.