
Visually is perfect. The pack of cards, plate size (9 inches), heaping it with like 2/3rds veggies, picking colorful foods, etc. Humans are visual so there's a lot that can be done by way of just showing.

Kids actually require a lot more calories, though, to fully develop their brains along with body growth. Hence why putting kids on "diets" is almost completely counter productive and creates serious health problems of its own. While I think it is important to talk about healthy food choices and portions, calorie

She is absolutely projecting the "morbid fear of fatness" element of ED thinking, and making moral judgments about bodies based entirely on weight. She's trying to hide it with "health" concern, but it's transparent as hell. The fact that she admitted to being formerly bulimic while still promoting the disordered

If you honestly believe that someone is compulsively overeating themselves into ill health, then no amount of the tactics you're using is actually going to "help" them. It's only going to make them withdraw, feel ashamed, create a compounded and internally dysfunctional relationship with health, weight, and their

Right before I read the part where she struggled with bulimia I was thinking "it sounds like she's projecting an aspect of ED thinking onto others, namely the "morbid fear of fatness". Because otherwise I can't see giving this much of a shit about other people's bodies, to go on RANTS about them constantly, in this

Noooope. What I'm saying is that regardless of how fucking insane the internet is, he still deserves to be treated like a human being. But I'm getting the impression you have some serious issue with empathy for your feeling human being depending on, of all things, their career/character they play. Oh! And apparently

Uh, except the point of the story and character is that it's gross the way he's objectified during/after his Games because he's forced to prostitute himself for the amusement/enjoyment of Panem's elite. He signed on to play a character, not be objectified by people who apparently can't be bothered to remember the

Let's not forget that when the first movie came out, that most noble of commentariats, the Internet, was constantly saying that "making" the character of Rue black (which she clearly was in the book) made them less empathetic/not care about her death. Her character is like 10.

Because there is literally no way that saying "she's unacceptable" on the internet is part of some sincere effort to "help" her. We don't know her. We are not her doctors. We are doing absolutely nothing constructive or useful by saying "she's fat" on teh internet. Sidibe has never claimed she is not fat or that

Thank. You. I've had it with people making these kind of obnoxious concern troll comments on the internet and acting like that they're doing someone a favor. By making shitty comments about them and their bodies reasons. Yeah. They sound SUPER concerned. And they are totally offering insightful, nuanced,

To the "concern" trolls posting/malingering in this thread: Please stop pretending to give even the slightest shit about this girl's health. Just stop. No one is buying it.

First Hobbit trailer and Gandalf says "Thorin Oakenshield" and they pan up and I was like WHO IS THAT and then he STARTED SINGING. Dead. All the dead.

He has read several Georgette Heyer old romances, too. And! Was in the utterly terrible BBC Robin Hood BUT he was so evil sexy as Guy it was uncomfortable. He's like Hiddleston, nothing like that in real life, but manages to make awful dudes sympathetic/sexy. And they aren't the type I go for.

That's probably because life is more nuanced than blanket statements like "Democracy is slavery because majority". And also inaccurate, at least if you're talking about the US, which is a Republic, and because concepts like "tyranny of the masses" exist as well a laws to directly combat the majority subjugating the

Or you could take 3 secs to google the numerous reports on rape statistics in the US. Which show that 1 in 3 to 4 women have been sexually assaulted in their lifetime. You could go to RAINN's site and see all the aggregated facts and statistics there about sexual abuse, both reported and not. You could do a search on

Why is that the part you're commenting on? Does it justify ANYTHING that happened to her? No, it does not. And it's the LEAST important thing from this article.

"It burns! It freezes! It bites! Take it off us!"

I dunno, given that Aurora has like....I don't know, a song and very little dialog in the original, she's not really all that important to the story to begin with. The film was always more about the 3 fairies and Maleficent anyway. They were a hell of a lot more compelling than she was by a mile. Aurora is kind of the

Yep, I'll be seeing this. I love Sleeping Beauty, but because of Maleficent, Flora, Fauna, and Merriweather (Merriweather may be my spirit animal, fyi). Aurora is the blandest princess ever. She doesn't even speak after the first half of the movie. The story was never really about her, more Philip and the fairies

Yeah, Aurora is definitely not the heroine of that story, the 3 fairies are. And they are AMAZING.