
Ok, so if what you say is correct, she appears to have an issue with trans folks. That’s unfortunate, and makes her a bigot. But it’s still not an answer to my question. Why was this attack during her book signing okay? Because the person insisted Rose hadn’t done anything “for” her or the trans community. However,

Weinstein hired private investigators, former Mossad spies, to try to get Rose on tape with statements he could use against her. . One investigator posed as a women’s issues activist and met with Rose several times..

Considering Weinstein has paid people to research and discredit his victims I think her paranoia is warranted. Doesn’t make her stance or previous comments about transwomen correct though.

And she has 2 years of probation. I hope the terms allow her to make normal teenage mistakes without being imprisoned again. Fuck

This is absolutely worth celebrating but don’t let the rage die down. She should never, ever have been punished in any way for this, to start with.

I’m calling her a TERF because she’s made TERFy statements before. She has a long history of anti-LGBT and anti-WOC commentary. She called herself “the architect of #metoo”, erasing Tarana Burke, among other things. I don’t see her as an imperfect ally; I don’t see her as an ally at all. I admire her courage in taking

Andi Dier was trolling an obviously emotionally fragile woman. I’m not sure why Mortal Dictata and others feel the need to reward her behavior by treating her like it was some brave speaking truth to power moment. It’s just manipulative, messy, and sad.

I haven’t gone down the rabbit hole of all that Rose McGowan has said regarding trans people. However I have one big question. Why is Rose McGowan expected to do something for trans people? It’s an honest question. Did she ever say she would? Is she making fame or money off the backs of trans people? Why is the

Hmm. There’s a lot about how McGowan is approaching this entire thing (Weinstein, her book, her show) that I would do differently. There’s a lot of anger there and a lot of overly-emotional stream of consciousness bilge. She tends to lash out in a super reactionary way to anyone she senses is attacking her, whether

Hmm. I dunno that I think her reaction was transphobic. I think she was absolutely wrong on the stats she threw out in the second video, but she said again and again that trans women are women. The woman who was yelling at her was accusing her of doing nothing about violence against trans women and, in particular,

“This is not racism, it’s prejudice.”

Okay, being burned with a hot-oil spoon is straight up assault and criminal. Whoever did that needs to not just be fired, but arrested. That is some sadistic shit. And considering the rest of the racial harassment alleged, I’d say it could easily be a hate crime. Burns like that are no joke, either. I suffered bad

Not surprised by this at all. If the staff were Asian, they are notoriously racist against Blacks. I have been to their pop up in San Fran and followed them closely and it does feel as if they are leaching off the community. There isn’t as much diversity and inclusiveness in diversity as some would think. And as a Bi

I think those are called nightmares.

Another show with a successful Mindy Kaling having a baby/pining over some emotionally unavailable white guy. i’ll pass.

Indigenous peoples are not disappearing from the earth and their culture is not disappearing from earth.

It’s not exactly the wrong term. Native women are way more raped/sexually assaulted, they are more likely to be in relationships with intimate partner violence and they are more likely to go missing than other women. Not having the data to back that up is killing Native women.

It’s his job to explain to his wife why what she’s been doing and continues to do is not only wrong, it’s hurtful, to black women.

You forgot. Where’s that Kanye who’s (BLACK) mother got a doctorate degree while raising him as a single mother?

Kanye hasn’t been the same since his mama passed away... it’s so sad. I feel like he needs years of therapy (with a black therapist) to overcome everything he’s been facing since she died.