
I'm honestly shocked it wasn't Florida.

That is awesome!!!

Anecdotal evidence is irrelevant. My Sprint 3G is faster than my coworker's AT&T 3G sitting next to me. That doesn't tell me anything about their whole network.


Like this one!

The first result on the list doesn't even go to Blizzard's site. His mocking of you still stands.

Hmm, I just keep seeing the broken jpg icon even though the link works fine. Maybe I deserved to lose that star after all.

Perhaps not, but your post does have grammar problems.

No. I don't see any problem here. You got a problem, buddy?

Link only works for Zelda!

He was better as Black Dynamite.


"a co-worker who was stalking the cooler"

I don't see anything wrong with this and I'm certainly not a PETArd.

It's spelled "George Lucas" not "Anthony Herrera"

So I can rip movies with my mind then? Haha, take that DRM nazis!!

Baconator incoming in 5..4...3..

"Also it was just based on Journey to the West, and we have more copies of that in gaming culture than we do of fucking Ulysses. What is wrong with the world?"

2D > 3D

Twinbee was awesome. Brb, looking for rom.