
Exactly, knowing what a “TERF” is requires an understanding of a very specific type of British feminism, which a lot of folks in the US won’t get.

Dave isn’t anti-trans at all troll

he’s right though

yes Daphne Dorman was in fact a real person, and screw you for even implying that Dave was lying:

I’m glad Dave didn’t find into obscurity as he’s still funny as hell, Ted get it right IMO, Closer

I think it was funny as hell.

damn right

quiet nazi troll

whatever nazi troll

the right were already like that even before Drumpf came along, you saw it as soon as Obama got elected, rethugs hated a black man being in the highest office in the land so much they vowed to never back down on anything ever.

because they think “god” is going to save them.

I find it eye-rolling and frankly disturbing how many so-called “progressives” are sounding an awful lot like the right-wing did back in the day with their talk of censorship

what’s wrong with doing a POV from a serial killer in a song?

k nazi troll

LOL no troll

“entitlement” my ass, me thinks the people bitching about this song are the “entitled” ones, god their is just no pleasing some people.

yes it’s seems like a pretty stupid thing to get upset over.

I can, the backlash is really goddamn stupid so I don’t blame them one bit.

she was fired for leaking internal documents, funny how this article conveniently leaves out that little detail.

Did you expect him to say nothing?  Seems like you’re the only one being “high-minded” here, spare me the Jack Thompson crap.

nah it’s not poisoning anything.