
Back in the 80s there was a Dallas spin off called Knots Landing. The cliffhanger of its first season was Don Murray's character gettin into his car, which was tempered with, and it drives off a cliff. In the second season the audience found out that he died and his wife (played by Michele Lee) is looking into the

And Theon's severed dick is the smoke monster! wooooooosh!

Winter better comes or there's hell to pay! *shaking winter gloved fist*

Am I crazy for thinking that what Jessica Walter's character in Archer went through in "Motherless Child" (escaping her prison and hitching a ride back home) could be a perfect audition reel for her to play Mom?

Her name was Jezebel!

Ok, maybe I out myself as the dumbest person in the world, but I think that was probably the most profound assessment of Bob I've ever read.

I thought Bob's half assed "Everything's fine, everything's alright!" moments were hilarious. You just knew that Bob loves nothing more than to be his own boss and you knew where it was leading, but still, it was fun to watch it unfold. And the stuff with the bank teller was great, too.

Have we ever met Teddy's mom? I remember the one episode where she and Ted were on a cruise and she put a sock on the door as a sign that she, uhm, entertains and Teddy was on the phone and said something like that his mom doesn't seem to respect herself. I could totally see Fishoeder going for a fling with Teddy's

I think the show should have turned it into some kind of plot device that the Time Masters deliberately made the rules murky, complicated, illogical, or difficult to comprehend in order to keep humanity under their control.

I guess I not as big of a Tina fan as I thought, because I didn't care much for that internal conflict between her solo singing career and her social kissing calendar. The wonderfully silly second plot with the rest of the Belchers saved the episode for me. But yeah, the end credit song was cool.

No, no, no. According to Soos' abuelita Soos' dad is not a nice man. Sure, when Teddy is mad he may call Linda a witch, but all in all he's a nice guy.

The new companion will be the boygroup One Direction. Whenever they say something they make five steps forward and then five steps backward. Of course it will drive the Doctor crazy.

I believe boats are his triggers.

I imagine it could be Cricket who was introduced as priest after all. Not sure though what could be funnier. The cleaned up version from the beginning or the busted one who demands extra if something goes up his ass? And as the reviewer mentioned the episode is co-written by David Horrnsby himself.

Wouldn't it be crazy if the first, or any award, the gang ever wins happen to be a gay award?

I love the rest of the line " … but the question is … what to do with a little liar?". Charlie's creepy and sinister delivery makes it so much better in my book.

Or an excuse to go to town in a gay bar called Rainbow. Alone … and no questions!

Or he was the guy at the front desk getting them coffee every now and then.

I think the low ratings and low amounts of AV Club comments come from the fact that the show aired a couple of months ago in the UK and for those who know their way around the internet they can watch the entire first season in one enjoyable marathon session.