
I imagine Arnold turning out to be gay would give us one epic meltdown by Helga Pataki. A whole season could be centered about the various stages of Helga's mental torment (denial, rage, etc.)

"… but it’s not so far away from Dipper using his own thoughts to convince
himself it’s fine to sneak inside Ford’s mine for answers"

Given what we know now all the Bill paraphernalia could be Ford's reminder of his shame or weakness. An underlining for "Trust No-One!".

Ford could have written more journals in that other dimension (a paralell universe version of Gravity Falls?).

I am sorry for Under the Dome to be canceled so apruptly giving the audience no sense of closure (I don't trust the show's editors to come up with an ending from the material that was shot intended for a cliffhanger).

Barbie and Norrie: Alien Hunters - Shoot to DOMEinate

You laugh, but Bryan Cranston did something like that with his Malcolm in the Middle co star Jane Kaczmarek telling her about a dream that was Breaking Bad.

Or took the wrong turn. Stuff like that happens all the time.

I imagine Big Jim shooting her because she takes her damn time to announce who gets to leave the Dome in the finale.

And when the Dome begins to fall

IMO Will Tudor's (who plays Olyvar, the one who runs the bordello in Littlefinger's absense) frontal nudity was nice, too. And he made out with Oberyn and Loras Tyrell.

Does that mean that the show will end with a cliffhanger? I have no trust in the writers and directors to come up with any end at all within, what, two or three more episodes? Look at Falling Skies, they knew they have one season to tie it all together and the finale still looked like an underwhelming last minute hack

"Lily's father touches the egg and becomes a blithering idiot and then a
cosmic energy being, yet Junior's mom and the original kids who touched
it never turned into energy particles (Lyle was crazy, but the others
seemed okay)."

I felt like Buffy when she realizes the mayor intends to deliver the whole speech at the graduation (before he turns into a demon and kills the whole town).

It's like Gilligan's Island! But with extras!

Falling Skies. Wow, that finale sucked. The final fight between Tom and the Big Bad was so underwhelming.

Yes, the very Christine who was almost too weak to walk throughout the episode.

Imagine all those awesome TV spots.

Towel no more! *sob*