
Holly Marie Combs is a regular guest star on Pretty Little Liars (which is mentioned in this very review). Piper being the killer would be very "what an ambitious gal has to do for ratings / recognition for her talent".

I don't know if Davis would allow it. Haynes' sudden departure really screwed up what he had in mind for Season 3. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that sometimes he does a Captain Kirk expression, but instead of screaming Khan he shouts Colton's name.

I live for those little moments on Teen Wolf, like, when Scott's doing his best flip and pose when he starts his noble quest to find Donovan or Donovan doing the "damsel in distress" slow-mo run combined with turning the head to look behind (usually reserved for women) .

I believe the show's main target audience is women. The female lead is in one life threatening situation after another while also having to deal with some drama in the relationship department (like, in the first season, being in a love triangle with two guys)

Yes, Eva Green is posessed by the devil and laughing at all of us praising her for her acting talent when she is just playing her posessed self!

I believe once Satan left his left behind minions were easy pickings.

You Only Live, Lyle

I remember I experienced something like this when I was about five. I slept on my back and some heavy but slender looking humanoid creature (basically a black shadow) was sitting on my bed sheet covered legs and it had glowing red eyes. To this day I prefer to sleep on my stomach. Every now and then (when I manage to

With M. Night Shyamalan involved, it could be a possiblity, but then the twist would be so ridiciously close to the twist of The Village.

Maybe one group's children will be the Eloi and the other group's children will be the Morlocks (from H.G. Wells' The Time Machine)?

Wasn't Harold part of the group that pushed that garbage thingy in front of the police car?

But they'd have to close the school, because, no lectures!

Or she's aiming to to put on a one woman "Village People" cabaret show?

"Big Jim has undeniable proof the Christine is an alien lifeforce
possessed evil villain and…. keeps it to himself on his hermit camp
ground on that Island we all forgot existed."

I shudder by the thought of what they will do to Moaning Myrtle in Chamber of Secrets.

I for one like the trashy entertainment value of the pilot episode. The biggest obstacle (which will be most likely its downfall) is being tied to the Scream movie franchise. With a few alterations the show could have been a pretty decent stand alone trashy summer series with its "unintentional" teenage camp comedy

I don't know. Scream the TV show's biggest asset is that it doesn't feature Emma Roberts while Scream Queens … well, does.

I like the Doctor Who on steroids vibe in scenes that involve the big bad(s).

Got totally psyched when I noticed Michelle Clunie (from Showtime's Queer as Folk) is playing the Biology Teacher (that's how the character is named, Biology Teacher … oh Davis, giving us mystery or being stingy about giving characters actual names?)

Oh, I see. I could have sworn … oh, of course! American Werewolf in London was the first and American Werewolf in Paris was the sequel.