Blacky Boo Boo

Racially aware white people?

I thought it was fun. And obvious snark. Why grown man so stick up the assey? No Bueno.

“Speak English, we live in Los Angeles, not Mexico!”

BTK, dude.

If it is true that the Times is the paper of record, and it is, then is is exactly what I would expect from a story written in 2015. The racism and sexism that flows through our society is perfectly recorded here. It’s amazing.

Hey Kara, a white person feels bad about your words. Tone it down. —White Tone Police.


A lot of men skewed this vote in the right direction.

Another thought on this. This Bible proves beyond fucking fact that we need a Black Indiana Jones. There are some fucking gems out there.

Honest question, does that Bible have the ability to make Rachel Dolezal black? I mean, maybe, right?

Not to mention that blacks are not a monolith. Yes, every black person has suffered through white supremacy, but the way each individual processes that trauma is unique. To think that there is a black “identity,” or a black “mind set,” or a black “set of actions,” is inherently racist, and EXACTLY THE FUCKING PROBLEM.

You’re doing a great job. These are great. So much work. I blogged for, like, two months, and was fucking exhausted. Lolz. With the Z.

So defense and the hope a striker who has the talent to dominate on the counter strike does just that. Why, if people see it as a legitimate way to win, do people see it as blight on club football? Defense is teamwork, and teamwork is beautiful. More beautiful than any single effort, I’d argue.

Where’s “Mail doesn’t come; have to masturbate to old People’s magazine?”

You can’t sue the Bucs for ending your career.

Like white people after the world series. I know, terrible.

I just realized that you took no offense and that you are cool as shit. Sorry. I didn't expect that from the Internet. Well played.

Lol. I meant no offense. Just saying you know who they are, so they are already way too well known.

I want your daily habits. I want to escape these fucks.

I have to think the fact that you even know who this woman is, is proof enough. Especially you, one who reads the intellectual media. You know?