Blacky Boo Boo

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. This is exactly Sterling's logic. "It's part of our culture," and "it's just the way it is." You defend stupidity with stupidity and think you're smarter than all of us. But you are nothing but the twat king of cunt station.

Do you associate more as a person of color or as a woman? We both know you'll say "I am a woman of color," but I am honestly curious.

Hope that guy doesn't fall asleep in prison.

Yes, I absolutely acknowledge this discrepancy.

Is it wrong to ask for common sense on both sides? Is it wrong to expect it more from a woman (thanks for the update! The blinders of the presumptuous male, and there is little excuse for this, I apologize.) who has a job than a woman who is majoring in political science (whatever)? Is it wrong to ask it from a cop

OK, I get that you're a soldier and that SOP is like the bible. I also get that the reason for this is that SOP has probably saved your life and the lives of your friends more than a score of times on the battle field (+1, always).

I have a hard time understanding something.

are all right on the nose.

Somebody is infected with the holy spirit!

That was the joke, bro. Blacky Boo Boo disapoints once again, sigh.

I'd make an homogenized joke, but the fucking PC police would string me up.

So, basically, the report reads like a Ron Paul newsletter.

Hand jobs with Micheal Jackson gloves, amiright?

Every time I read a story like this, I sand up at work, slow clap and exclaim, "congratulations bitches, you're smarter than a bag of dicks!"

If this is what it takes for yet another group of people to bring up they went to Harvard without anyone asking, I am all for it.