
They need to bring back the daughter's boyfriend (can't think of his name, which is ironic bc they were always shouting it out at him)

I actually find myself laughing-out-loud more to it than to Brooklyn-99 of late (with the exception of the "The Cruise"). That being said, I feel like the two shows pair well together—I had been hoping the move to put them togehter would help, but of course, that would only help if people were actually watching live,

Just another example that sometimes shows need time to find their audience—time that is so rarely given anymore, as we all know to well. I would love to think that if FOX cancels the Grinder that it might find a home on a streaming platform, but after the Community/Yahoo experiment, I'm not sure that would actually

The Grinder: NOLA; I love how offended Dean was when Timothy Olyphant referred to his show as The Grider: LA—ala CSI:

But what if I do?

I see your point, but his absolute enthusiasm for whatever he is talking about would ensure a positive energy through dinner. If you haven't heard him on the Nerdist, he was surprisingly gracious in allowing Chris et al, to have a chance to talk

I thought that very thing!

Indeed! The first time I saw it, I thought to myself, these puppets are as well done as Muppets would be! Then after the end credits, I saw it was a Brian Henson production. I was both pleasantly surprised and not at all surprised. My favorite is Ned Cooper the Science Grouper, who is never allowed to make his

I actually get the impression he is the exact opposite of dickish, just based on the (many) podcasts I've heard him on that are just conversational. He is hands down THE best guest on Stop Podcasting Yourself, which is my personal favorite.

Wow, I think I would have felt like I was back in high school surrounded by the popular kids and being afraid to make eye contact with anyone…

I've always felt bad that I think most people think of Casey Affleck solely as Ben's little brother. Ever since Ocean's 11 I've decided he's clearly the more talented of the two. On second thought, maybe he actually benefits from being the underrated one, if it gives him more freedom to choose smarter, less showy

I had lots of fun trying to sort through the Star Wars spoilers comments to find any conversations I was in. I feel your pain

Ah yes, Kyle Chandler…every time I see him it reconfirms the good taste I had in swooning for him way back in his "Homefront" days. Back then I was 100% convinced that he was the only possible choice to play Peter Parker in a Spider-Man movie. Sadly, I still think that's true

I have always cringed at almost any scene with Elizabeth Rohm's Assistant DA in later years Law & Order. Her acting is so painfully bad, and her wooden line readings are completely unconvincing to me. My excitement at running into a Law & Order marathon (as opposed to the ubiquitous SVU) is always a bit dulled when I

Totally agree! My husband loves this show and I could not hate it more. God, I hate it

I'm also one of the few people who just doesn't get the Ricky Gervais love. He is just too abrasive for me.

This is pretty random, but the very first character that came to mind when I saw this article was that horrible chick whose name escapes me that they got Robert Sean Leonard's character together with sometime after they got the second round of residents in. I just remember in particular an episode where they were

I know I'm in the minority here, but I loved Wesley Crusher. As a nerdy teenaged girl a year younger than him when I watched first-run, Wesley was the epitome of the boy I wanted to be my boyfriend living the life I was dreaming about. I guess I was THE target audience lol

I second that. And overall, I love Cardassians

It actually took me a while to get into Bob's Burgers—my husband was watching and when I'd happen to be in the room I would find Linda way too over-the-top and Gene too one note with the potty humor. Then strangely I began grudgingly laughing, and now I am genuinely a fan. I even like Linda now, and Gene gets some