Yeah, the Redskins have never beaten Michael Vick. I was going to say that the Redskins have never beaten Michael Vick at Fedex Field, but the last time the Redskins won in Atlanta, Doug Johnson was the QB that day as Vick was hurt.
Yeah, the Redskins have never beaten Michael Vick. I was going to say that the Redskins have never beaten Michael Vick at Fedex Field, but the last time the Redskins won in Atlanta, Doug Johnson was the QB that day as Vick was hurt.
Dalessandro's in Roxborough is the best steak in Philly.
Those are power chords, bro.
I may take the rest of the afternoon off to watch this for three straight hours.
Legion of Boo-hoo
"Leave me out of this."
We're at the point now where the NFL has to feel completely bulletproof. Does our game cause longterm brain trauma? Yup. Did we cover that fact up for decades? You betcha. Do we have a long history of objectifying women and overlooking horrific domestic abuse, some of which you could argue is linked to that old brain…
I want to see a Goodell press conference that ends with "fuck it, I quit."
Umm...she brought up race. He didn't.
This is exactly right. All the noise, the contract termination, the suspension: it's not because the NFL saw the tape. It's because we saw the tape. Tangentially, it occurs to me to wonder how long it would have taken Rice to end up on some other team's roster, had he not been suspended. I'm guessing an hour.
Sadly, that probably falls under "Awareness" in the sense of "Awareness That We're Assholes"
Really? I'm of the complete opposite opinion. I guess anyone and everyone affiliated with Lena Dunham, in any way, grates my nerves.
But those people are psychotic PETA types who don't comprise the majority of society.
Just like we were outraged about the hacked nude photos,
Even outside of the "they'll probably flag him at least once!" theory, it's bad football strategy to limit your offense by avoiding one player. Maybe that worked for teams playing Oakland in 2009, but it's really dumb against this Seattle team.
So does anyone actually enjoy their home team's stadium? I know there's a theme here, but it seems like every stadium in the NFL is a hive of terrible, terrible people. Why would you ever go to a game instead of getting shitfaced on your couch instead?
Cataldi is an overpaid troll whose sole purpose to stir up shit and focuses almost exclusively on off-the-field and unrelated bullshit.
Keep listening to metal, a genre currently experiencing a golden age of talent and creativity throughout its numerous sub-genres! That's what I'm gonna do.
Dude, as one 'burgher to another, you do realize there are other things in this world than fuckin' Stillers football, right? Get out of Cranberry sometime and go to the symphony and chill. And again, thanks for proving Drew's point.