
We’ve got a bunch of the Vari-desk models in our office, the smallest models have a footprint of 28”d x 30"w.

Funny thing about the iMac: I had one iMac user who wanted one of these desks, she changed her mind in about a week because the iMac’s lack of height adjustment had her straining her neck when looking up at it

We’ve got a bunch of the Vari-desk models in our office, the smallest models have a footprint of 28”d x 30"w.


No, you couldn’t heal outside group in release before this patch.

I’ve never had the issue with a vendor screen. Yours must be a different issue. :(

Best I can tell it happens to us on the PC when the camera moves to a point inside something (be it a wall or NPC, etc.). Does it happen when you’re out in the open?

There are a number of Olympic gold medal winners who might beg to differ...

You forgot rich...

Also, he’s probably the only player in the NFL whose wife is the breadwinner...

Nor is stud, but now I’m just nit-picking...

I deal with this in the parking lot at my apartment building. My solution is to take advantage of peoples’ inexplicable light post anxiety. I park moderately far from the entrance, with my passenger side rear corner closest to the light post that is dead center of 4 spaces. Many people seem to have zero interest in

Holy shit do not play this commercial near an Echo if you have one, mine was answering the video and wanted to order some paper towels...

Yes, if you haven’t seen it, go... NOW!!!

Is it just me or do these fucking idiots always end up killing everyone but themselves?

Now playing

She also sang Metric’s Black Sheep for The Clash At Demonhead’s performance in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World:

You’d be shocked to know how little mandatory firearms training police office get...

“no one wants to take your guns...” :o

We’re not talking about someone who was in close proximity to the shooters. 60 yards with a handgun isn’t an easy shot even when the target doesn’t fire back.

It came out in Japan on December 23rd. Might not have given him much time to see it before this was shot?

Melissa Mayer?

Beat me to it...

I do, I just couldn’t find a decent pic of the bar in that wrapper...