These are also a lot easier to clean up after when I knock over the container...
These are also a lot easier to clean up after when I knock over the container...
Funny, I thought he was President back in 2001...
...and then Reddit will fire her and she’ll bring another inequality lawsuit?
Lucky them, all the catholic schools around me (SE PA) still have uniforms.
Catholic school, sticklers for dress codes.
Pictured above: Kim Kardashian and her huge ass...
So basically...
People of Baltimore: Fuck the police!
Police: Alright, fuck this, we’re out!
No way, snitches get stitches...
Bidding for the 2026 World Cup will begin at 300 million dollars...
...about 11 years after Billy Joel used the same title...
What is this prequel trilogy you speak of? :P
Short answer: NO.
Long answer: Well, there are a number of factors that could or could not work against Blatter in this case, of particular significance is... Oh who the fuck am I kidding: NO.
If it makes you feel better, target loads use plastic pellets, not steel shot. Also, a trap field has all of its shots fired up in the air, and usually travels much farther than the clays themselves do.
Sounds like Sam’s a Mossberg man, apparently...
I love my 870P...
Someone who knows what they’re doing is also likely to have a shotgun and equipment you can use, just make sure that if that’s the case you pick up the tab for some of the ammo and targets/fees.
You forgot step 3: Go back under your bridge.
The only downside to over unders is the higher entry level cost. I could have bought 2 of the Beretta 310s I started shooting trap and sporting clays with for what a decent 28-30” over under runs.
My biggest takeaway tip for shooting at clays: keep the barrel moving while you shoot. It makes it much easier to maintain a lead on your target and my accuracy in clays skyrocketed after I started following through on targets.