
Who the hell put Sam Hinkie in charge of the Eagles?

Same, I had these for 3 Planar 27" monitors that were well within the weight range of the arms. I eventually got rid of the 27s and went to a 2560x1600 30" on an Ergotron arm.

Same, I had these for 3 Planar 27" monitors that were well within the weight range of the arms. I eventually got rid

Yes, because no one's allowed to take a walk unless there's a street race?

I see no misconduct there, so what's your point?

Gotta be the uniforms... yeah, definitely the uniforms....

I'm surprised Crosby wasn't there to sneak in and punch him in the nuts from behind...

Normally you'd be right, but not this time because Penguins.

TMZ has broken numerous sports related stories, so wouldn't that already make TMZ the TMZ of sports?

P.S. Hi Dez!

Immediately before.

Should we just assume at this point that Bill Cosby raped every woman and just have the ones who weren't raped come forward? I'm really starting to feel like that would be a quicker process...

Just when you thought it was all over, Ray had to drag it out...

Why do I have a feeling the Eagles will get more shit about having Cooper on the team than whoever picks up Ray Rice next season?

The real question is, what the fuck were the Harrier pilots doing?

Well come on, you guys get 6 wins built into your schedule every season...

Wouldn't it have been easier to list the bands that weren't playing?

What the fuck is wrong with hating Pittsburgh? :P

I'm pretty sure the Chicago Little League Assholes were the ones who ruined it in the first place. Those adults getting the fuck into youth sports were the real problem, weren't they?

Wait, what exactly did Las Vegas do?

It wasn't they were hanged.