Why Your Team Sucks 2015...
Why Your Team Sucks 2015...
There's about as much a chance at this happening as the NFL addressing Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy...
You do realize that was a Disney decision, not JJ Abrams' don't you?
It's gonna have to be a lot of money. All of the people who were working there have lost their jobs...
The tone of these stories is always "you're a millionaire, it doesn't matter how the service was you still have to tip". If they really cared about McCoy's side of the story they'd have contacted him before running it.
Disclosure: I am an Eagles fan, but Drew Brees got railroaded the same way last year.
Exactly. If there were ever a time for the NFLPA to say "Sorry, you're on your own on this one...", this would be it.
I'd like to believe that, but do you really think they spend that little (percentage wise) on legal fees?
Consent in this case referring to release of the footage, not sex...
I'm assuming legal fees for suing others for "for the cure" and pink stuff falls under bullshit...
I'm trying to figure out where that will rank in relation to Goodell's ice bucket challenge on the hypocrisy scale...
Some of them yes, but not all of 'em.
I didn't know the NFL was doing the only investigation of this incident...
Yes, but for some of us that gets REALLY tough...
I wouldn't be excited about it, no. On the other hand, I wouldn't expect to have any control over it either.
Which made Roger Goodell's ice bucket challenge amazingly hypocritical.
Which would require you boycott all things Marvel and Star Wars as well...
I'm missing where footage from a public elevator belongs to the person being filmed and requires consent...
Unless you're a Cowboys fan; Jerruh keeps that money to himself. Of course then you have to deal with Jerruh and Tony Romo...
I don't know. People I know who are vehemently against the death penalty wanted some of the most vile things I've ever heard of done to Michael Vick when he returned to the NFL...