Of course the GAU-8 is almost the size of some of the vehicles carrying the M134D...
Of course the GAU-8 is almost the size of some of the vehicles carrying the M134D...
The rocket worked perfectly except for landing on the wrong planet.
If you thought this first was awkward...
So this car kind of exists in the real world in the form of the Isdera Imperator concept car but the real life version doesn't have machine guns, smoke screens and oil slicks. Probably.
Today being 8-8 and all, I was expecting to see the Cowboys instead of the Falcons...
You'd think that after last winter Polar(bear) Vortex would be the way to go...
My brother is an editor at The Asylum (he was initially pulled in for Sharknado 2 but then got reassigned), hopefully he can get me a few...
I knew I'd find the poop marker in here somewhere!
Someone needs to animate that Instagram shot into "haters gonna hate"...
Unfortunately it is all Sony can do to hold on to the rights. Honestly I hope they give up on it so the rights revert to Marvel; I'd love to see them get Spidey involved with the Avengers/Infinity Gauntlet.
Well, we could start with looking at the suspensions that members of the New Orleans Saints got for hitting defenseless players...
After reading the whole article and seeing that he posted pictures with him pointing the gun at both himself and the cat, there are only two things I can hope for:
Please tell me this guy's username is Forever Alone, because that's about where he's headed...
The Popemobile was bulletproof; I don't think that's going to help against your standard RPG attack...
Still my go to gun cleaning solution...
Same here. What's worse is that people I work with know I'm a coffee buff, and sometimes as a thank you for helping them out with non-work related issues they give me Starbucks gift cards. Obviously I appreciate the sentiment, it's just that I feel bad for their lack of good coffee knowledge.
It's their beans and cheese that get me. Authentic Mexican food and spicy stuff doesn't have the same effect on me.
If I have to eat at Taco Bell, I usually just take my order, go in the bathroom, and throw it directly in the toilet. I like to cut out the middle man...
When your dinner budget consists of whatever change you can find between the cushions of your couch...