Just one?
Just one?
Marvel is also already owned by Disney, that happened a few years ago. There are other studios who have rights to some of the characters due to old contracts, but those rights will be Disney's once the contracts have expired.
I feel your pain, the leaked video of "Version One" of Battlefront III had already piqued my interest. Hearing about Version Two and even worse seeing how it was evolving is killing me.
It takes a lot to make me lose interest in spending money on anything Star Wars ever again, but goddamn if Disney isn't doing one hell of a job...
But who is going to be able to afford the licensing, then be able to afford creating a AAA title with it? EA and ActiBlizzard are your only real options.
From the news story apparently he failed the marine's brake check on the third attempt...
Most of the Marines I know would contend that the point of their existence is to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the…
Damn double posting.
They are altering the deal, pray they don't alter it any further...
SWTOR was made by Bioware, LucasArts had nothing to do with it.
No Wacom on the Edge.
From what I've read, you need the gamepad to attach the extra battery pack as well.
Did you not read the part where this device is made by Razer?
Not if it were an ocular nerve concussion, such as the one that has basically ended Chris Pronger's career. Not all concussions are to the brain itself.
I always thought it tasted more like the plastic it was bottled in...
Maybe you should consider public transportation for the next few days...
I hope you aren't suggesting that women solders carry their gear somewhere other than their backs...