The new Blade being number 2 was just as I expected as well.
The new Blade being number 2 was just as I expected as well.
Considering then by your metaphor this only came about after the two year old proclaimed that Van Gogh's paintings were nothing special and he could make much better art, the kid had this coming.
Yeah, this guy is an idiot. There are a lot of people I know, including myself, that are planning on buying a Surface Pro.
"In his deposition, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell was asked about holding games in England and Canada, countries with legalized sports gambling. The leagues contend allowing New Jersey to sanction sports gambling would damage their integrity."
Better than this guy...
Go back to the article, read it, look at the SOLID LINE in the figure provided. That is what the patent was granted on: a rectangle with round edges.
Pricey for a USB 2.0 drive. Normally that wouldn't make sense...
You really want to bring this on?
The B-2 Spirit? There's no recon variant on record.
The Ho 229 never got past prototypes, and even then it was being developed as a fighter, not a reconnaissance aircraft.
I believe reading this had made me dumber. Please don't post again.
"Ow, My Balls!" comes on after Buckwild, after a word from our sponsor: BRAWNDO!
Yeah, and I guess they're so relieved when they find that the person inside doesn't have one that they never pull them out...
"Guys, guns are illegal, we can't carry them while we break into this house..."
Make that is an if and his sentence makes more sense.
I call bullshit. Most nerds will be too excited about the sex to give a shit about their phone, the raid they had scheduled, or the Battlestar Galactica marathon on SyFy...
Yeah, but won't you feel bad when she tweets "I told him it was a good size..."
Marge wasn't banging Moe on the side...
Also, do we have any confirmation on the number of cores in the Pro's i5?