
My first Gaming PC was an Epson Apex 100; it had an 8086 processor, EGA graphics, 256KB of RAM, and two 5.25" floppy drives. The day I bought it I ripped it open and upgraded the RAM to 8MB (was an ungodly amount at the time) and replaced the EGA card with a VGA card (back when VGA was what you needed to game). Some

They may have been shitty, but they looked wonderful when placed next to a Packard Bell or Acer...

The problem with guns like that is once you put a couple hundred rounds through them they're not so pretty anymore. Basic black never changes...

By tomorrow ESPN will be reporting this as having happened in Philadelphia...

And here I thought Boston won last year...

Sounds like Las Vegas or Atlantic City...

Go look at World of Warcraft (and I don't mean the base subscription); annual passes, cash shop for mounts and pets. They're right in the game, too, maybe just not YOUR game yet...

Can we please get this guy a Pagani, Koenigsegg, or MacLaren so I can realign my opinion of Lamborghini owners?

Nailed right on the head, I love my 36!

Yeah, but can you imagine the kids these two are going to unleash upon the world?


A-Rod playing with his bat in the bathroom; why am I not surprised?

Actually, ASUS has a Lamborghini laptop line as well, so you can have car parts too...

Of course we don't know how many laptops comprised this "entire first shipment"...

Considering they charge $250 for a keyboard that has it, I'd say considerably less than $1400.

Some yes, most no.

I think part of the reason for that is because it supports the blade keyboard/LCD, which makes me wonder how long it will take for profiles to be generated for new games.

Could you imagine the hell it would be trying to get manufacturers to agree on a standardized form factor that doesn't fit in a large box?

My whole problem with the Blade is current performance and longevity. How long before you need to replace this $2800 machine because it can't run something new? Seems they've built this with very little headroom; a dual core i7, GT555m graphics? The previous article on this site concerning the Blade's gaming