
If you're attending this evening draft in person, I want you to do me a favor: BOO. Boo the living fuck out of Goodell. Boo the ginger until he snaps. Let him know just how shitty of a job he's doing. Boo him and yell curse words at him and taunt him with sock puppets.

+1 Bioshock

I'm surprised anyone has gone into more detail analyzing Splice; that movie was just plain horrible.

Don't worry, you just got to bang your head against the wall because you couldn't watch the game, instead of banging your head against the wall because you were watching the game...

She was commissioned in 1982...

Johnny, what do you make of this?

I keep looking at the picture, trying to figure out if the turd is on the left or the right...

@thetickler: "Think Different" and "I'm a Mac" Yeah, guess those campaigns don't work at all...

@gizgizgiz: Actually, it is hard to believe laptop performance will outperform desktops. Taken to the extreme, you will always be able to stuff more things into a desktop form factor (3-4x SLI or Crossfire for gaming or GPCPU processes). Desktops will always have higher RAM capacities due to real estate availability.

Why the hell does America's Team have to be from the NFL?

This has been a test of the Internet Kill Switch system...

@Shandy706: The handguns that don't come to slide lock when empty are usually small pocket semis, like the Kel-tec P-3AT. Travolta's Sig and Cage's 1911 on the other hand, do.

@BENTrandom: Ever try operating a slide release when you're holding a gun in one hand? Most thumbs aren't that long, and most slide releases are not ambidextrous.

@kgray96057: And all this time I thought the only real reason Captain America started in WWII was because his first comic was published in March of 1941...

@aprather: You should take a look at the Samsung 9 series laptops that are coming out in February:

@ericesque: You do realize that the write speeds are due to the PCIe SSDs being a SATA RAID configuration. (RevoDrives have either 2 or 4 SandForce controllers and a built in SATA RAID controller). You can get the same performance by setting up multiple SATA SSDs in RAID with a hardware controller.

@robshapiro002: I wonder if the iPhone software update that was released in February 2010 was part of your problem.