
hey guys, I bet I know something that will get people to use ubuntu more. It's stupid too, but I bet it will work if they use it more. Ready for it?

i watched that video twice just to listen to that song again :) LOL

excellent song

anybody know of a way to make it more "safe" to use chrome?

yeah this is a big reason why people will buy it. if netflix was kept out of this, apple tv would continue to be a "Not hot product"

A billion dollars is a lot.

if they are doing this i hope they spend 85% on development and only 15% on marketing. 15% of a billion is still a crap load.

was this pic done by that illustrator you guys just hired??

I was screaming like a little girl this morning cus i was so excited for this. In the first 10 min, it crashed twice. I tried it again several hrs later, and POW crash again.