Great video not sure why Kotaku hasn't covered this.
Great video not sure why Kotaku hasn't covered this.
Don't get it.
After I played the Beta BF4 really might turn out to be one of my fav shooters in a long time I REALLY loved BF3 but it seems like they improved the netcode. Sorta reminds me of the leap Bad comp one did with Bad comp 2 can't wait too see whats in store after this game in released.
Right there with you lol. Not sure alot of people will agree with you but I do for sure.
Alot of this art reminds me of the this old MMO called Anarchy Online. Not sure if anyone remembers that game.
As of now I'm a 22 year old black man who deals with depression and anger issues. I can't really pin point the problem but it seems to be abundant in this day and age.
Zoo Tycoon? Throw me a link bud I always loved those tycoon games lol Ahh memories of driving rollercoaster into the ground. also I agree with your statement.
To be fair I think that's the reason he said"My view" it was more of an opinion thing. It's plenty of reason he could like the Xbox dash more then the PS4 dash. Not saying I agree but just seems you wasting breath,
Yeah the game runs smooth as butter on my setup.
Possibly The BFG its been ranked as one of the strongest weapons from a game,,,as a granade type device I would use the Green shells from Mario..lastly the Soul Cube from Doom 3 (well it took fucking souls enough said) If I lost all of that I would use my 2000 year old Martial Art Hukuto Shin Ken(you ever seen fist…
Dude steven off is a really tall man like 6'0 or haha I would too. I agree tho more reason to love rockstar they did a great job capturing the real people, I wish people would stop calling the guys"voice actors tho"
What you should be telling him is to run with people, sense I've been playing online I've only ran into a few people who try to kill me this is on Xbox.
Thank you ha I don't engage in arguments on here, every time I come to Kotaku everyone seems so damn angry.
Summed up kotaku in a nutshell..not just about X1 but plenty of things. I've never seen so much complaining in my life.
No problem mate.
No that came with a update, I was there around the time they updated(I own a 360) that came out sometime ago but their was no feature what so ever when it was launched.
I'm curious as a person who likes both console what is your beef with people who buy a xbox one? It's very immature and you sound like someone who would be extremely unpleasant to play games with. I could understand your dislike of the xbox one(well just look at it) but you sound as if you're mad about something, I'm…
I agree with most of your post I'm no fanboy of either but it's getting Toxic and sad coming to kotaku,joystick etc without getting to a argument over a damn metal box. Not sure what's up with the environment lately in gaming.
Did games on Xbox 360 launch have a install feature that I wasn't aware of?
Oh yeah I hear you on that.