Xbox one or PC for me, I already know they got some special treats in the Pc version. I wonder what the screen shots are being played on to be exact.
Xbox one or PC for me, I already know they got some special treats in the Pc version. I wonder what the screen shots are being played on to be exact.
Outstanding Looking game, I was reading a article on another site how eastern European make some unique groundbreaking games, Witcher and S.T.A.L.K.E.R are great examples.
The Fable trailer was intriguing, I haven't cared about Fable sense 1, by the looks of things it may be a 4 player coop?
where the hell do you keep all these memes and Gifs Chris.
Damn Stephen that last part was heart felt, I completely agree with you. Personally rockstar has no competition in terms of creating games.
Hard question so far I'm ok with the Xbox one, but I'm split on the Kinect issues. I like it personally but most do not,if I remove it from the console at launch then most devs won't take advantage of the technology they thought came with the the X1 but if I leave it most people will end up hating to pay a 500 buck…
Well besides the controller just saw another reason on why to get a xbox one..played DR2 last night and forgot how fun that damn game was. Cannot wait.
I concur lol
I've been a BF fan sense the 1942 run son,, I see your point and read most of your post but it just seems like you backpedal alot in this whole post. I think when it comes to BF DLC it should be done just like this,,the worst they ever handle DLC was with Bad company(that was just horrible) I think it's smart what…
Man going up against COD, Battlefield looks like it's going off the can COD compete? The gaming experience I had with BF over the years has been something of legends. Really cannot wait for this diff my mutiplayer of the year(along side GTAV) only two games I've gave a crap about lately.
I doubt it DICE has been a great company for years...and this si the longest they haven't put out a BF(2 years I think) I was use to getting a new BF each year. Cannot wait.
About that they redrew their statement a few hours later(maybe a phone call from Rockstar?) someone was pissed.
Once again Rockstar puts the gaming world in a stranglehold. This is literally blowing my mind,,I"VE NEVER seen again with these many just seems beyond anything. I'm glad it's a presistant world what we;ve been asking for ages..I wish the PC elite would stop with the hate they have for GTA.
Not sure why I'm still gray starting to piss me off. But I've been reading the GoTU for a while now(years) and I'll have to see how this plays out I'm very touchy about comic movies.
Well this was one of the most interesting games at E3 in general. This seems like a more ambitious LBP, as of today I'm most likely going with the X1 now over the Ps4 so this is diff look like a game I can kill sometime on. I agree tho would be nice to get on Pc as well I mostly play super high end games on mines.
WOW this looks pretty damn good.
I'll go with maybe not your cup of tea
I loved it for that reason but also hated it for it's art style..mostly because of the women. Hey it's a good anime over all.
Glad we got another person from atlanta on here. Waffle house after a long night of partying is great..fuck ihop.
I agree with you on the selling part but Gamestop is a horrible company, some of the worker polieces and how they treat workers(in some cases fast food joints get treated better) along side some how they play the's a fucked up company most likely in the long run they will hurt themselves.