Blackest Noobs

and you're a fucking moron. nothing more clear than that.

you must be one of the Christian idiots. Now i know because I am not inundated with Muslim BS movie trailers or commercials like i am with the dripping of desperation and insecurities of these Christians.

"Better sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian."

Muslims have the decency not to produce such over commercialized saccharine shit, this movies, the God's Not Dead 2 stinks to heaven of desperation.

to be honest, crap like this only does one thing.

Man! NC continues to be in the news, and for being dicks.

aww damn….man…say it isn't so.

yeah CW is killing with as broadcast network with commercials.

when i had seen previews for this, i was like wait…is this a new video game?

was it any better than the other "full house?"

i feel sorry you even had to watch this to review it.

it's was the Buddha of Roadhouse….

ha ha no, i meant your profile pic….or is that what you meant mr eye patch dude….

Big Boss, Jr?

perhaps less MacGuffins for starters.

at least George didn't dip his balls in it.

i'm hoping it's a double feint…makes you suspect Rey is Solo's kid but that's too obvious so maybe Rey is Luke's kid but is really the Solos kid.


this trailer made me more intrigued than the previous 40 second ones

mecha-bunny ears batman is still stupid. just dumb dumb dumb.