blacked out

He didn’t kill her, and currently police are trying to determine what age she told him she was.

I don’t think he has time to takes classes, train for running and hold down a decent paying job.

Looks like you just jumped to conclusions. He didn’t murder her all by himself. It’s Maryland, so her family will be lucky if they have the right guy. Right now the police are worried about bootstrapping a case together to keep him in jail.

You asked how? There are many types of social media. Lack of parental awareness concerning what she does on line. No parental controls on her phone. Poor communication with her mom or step mom or that lady she lives with.

Serena got too fat after the season ended, she’ll be ready at the French open.

Well, if they cut the nurses all over the country, move to the city.

I’m not even supposed to be here today!

Why do you think that is?

so you’re a man hater. Okay.

Vote for both if you’re near a state line.

LOL. Wait a few elections and you’ll realize you vote doesn’t mean anything.


OMG so all you care about is money. smh

I doubt Jesus has a twitter account.

meh, he’s fine.

Uhhh lying and deceit? He was a known thief and lied about it. That’s deceit.

The didn’t need to explain the Brady rule for that long. It’s a fairly simple concept.

Like our right to privacy which is now gone?

Hmmm, less assholes you say.... interesting. Very interesting. We shouldn’t gloss over the idea of reducing asshole behaviors.

It’s not evidence of guilt, but of character that he really isn’t that charming beneath the surface.