
@chewblaha: Decision has to be made in seconds?... they shot 2 little children in this video! Then one Soldier said : its their fault!

WOW! never heard of it but i`ll buy this for sure!! Oo

@NinjaMarion: they said it has to be a fast usb stick!... slow usb sticks wont work.

@ToastyUterus: usb hard drives are to slow. And the limit is 16GB . So your 500 gig drive would be formated and the xbox would creat a 16 partition though you can use the left Gb on the drive for the pc.

@NeVeRMoRe666: you dont have to buy it..... so whats the problem?

@Nexus6: We can see them in their invisibility cloaks BECAUSE ITS A VIDEOOOOOOOOOOOOOO . ITS NOT REAL.

@Pretty Sneaky Sis: And you can not play a shooter with a normal controller anymore? You need a Dildo, for it?

@razerangel: yes they will play the ball game and the racing game for an hour and hope that everyone will buy it.

@otakufish: sry, i cant edit it anymore!!! i just wanted to change it :(

@HobbitGamer: it will not work? it works everywhere else. Americans always say... ,, we are the WORLD, everything belongs to us" but when its about to help your own people its ,,everybody fights for his own life"?....

@Sleet: I`ve seen a documentation a while back. They said americans have to pay 40.000 $ when they need a transplantation. people had to sell their cars or sell their house to pay for their treatment.


edit: doublepost

@WittyUserName: why endless waiting? you can play right away!

Stupid Americans. How can it be bad to have Health Insurance. 32 Million people dont have it in the us right now and will get one. HOW IS THIS BAD?....


@Kryptolojik: you dont have to be 4 meters away of natal.... look

@AchromaticMagus: Did this girl in pic 6 cut her legs with a razor blade? Oo