
The Indians reportedly warned the Red Sox of a staffer named Kyle McLaughlin prior to the ALCS.

When reached for comment Karin Housley remarked, “I haven’t made a comment like that in a coon’s age. Oh, and I’m sure the George Soros “media types” (please note I’m using finger quotes here [ed. note: Mrs. Housley verbalized that over the phone]) are gonna make something out of THAT innocent comment. I swear to

That’s week 10. Everyone talked about it at the beginning of the year and then has been somewhat dumbfounded and confused as to why he’s not showing up this week. Most likely he’ll either show up on Friday of Week 10 to collect a check and technically be on a roster an accrue a year of service. He hopes they just

This is perfect. She shut him the fuck down on THIS issue. The only way to deal with this fucker is to systematically shut him down/call him out on every single instance of bullying, racism, misogynistic slur, or lie. His cretinous supporters will never turn tail but we have people crossing the aisle permanently on a

Your article made the point that it is about the DNA test. My comment makes the point that it is not about the DNA test.

Look at the comment thread below her tweet on the DNA test — it’s filled to the brim with Trumpers:

Solid pile of bullshit right there. If I didn’t know anything about science, I might have been tricked into thinking you did.

Look, I warned you guys. Feel free to pull a Jezebel and banhammer me but I made a promise and I fucking keep my promises.

I think what he means is, when you go there, you have to give them your whole paycheck! Because everything is so expensive there. So if you think about it, it’s almost like “whole paycheck” would be a better name for the store because of how much you have to spend when you go there and then your paycheck is gone when

Y I K E S, I mean I guess you can’t read given that that information was in the article (it’s okay friend, that happens) but more alarming then you’re lack of reading comprehension is the fact that you see such toxic and awful behaviour as ‘tiresome to hear about’. Yeah, it’s actually fucking awful, and those people

You sweet, summer child. It only works that way for white men.

Whoops, let me hold that privilege for you before you comment next.

I addressed that in the article.

found AJ Pierzynski’s burner

You might need better glasses Doc.

Are you kidding me?  He looks over at 0:05, knows the guys is down, then at 0:07 - 0:15 twists the crap out of his foot/leg.  There’s no reason for that.

You’re a security guard stuck in the rain at an 8 hour Dolphins game, you’re “pants-won’t-stay-up” fat, your crappy poncho makes you the wrong kind of wet, and now you have to chase down a happy, healthy, wealthy 10-year-old whose life is already more interesting than yours will ever be. What’s that suicide hotline

Here’s a stat my wife gave me that kinda fits with this discussion and why i’m all for women having a place to discuss things without men and why we need a shift in culture. (this is a rough memory of the stat not the exact numbers, please pardon for that, i don’t know where my wife found it as we were just talking at

The dude who called Reddit manbabies actually described it really well: