@F150HD: Gold palted headers, oppulance, I has it!
@F150HD: Gold palted headers, oppulance, I has it!
@F150HD: Engine porn.
@DannyFromTheD: The Sheriff wanted a sportier paint scheme. His Civic driving son told him the airflow would e better.
The ones they use for the Morgue are lettered and do not have the Hearse specific aparatus/decoration whatever carp.
Dubai called; the Sheik wants his toilet back.
Because wannabe RACECAR!
I was listening to this show religiously when I was about 4 years old and dreamt of that car for a while until it went out of style and we started seeing cheesy replicas like this one. CRACK PIPE!!! I wouldn't buy it even for 1/3 the price because the interior looks like a turd!
@belgiumania: I'll take the same color. I thought the Ferrari would just be cut in half.
That gives me more of a hard on! If only my truck could repair itself and kill the assholes I hate. But I have to admit the girlfriend part is a little creepy.
@BobLazar007: HAHAHA! My girlfriend has one. Worst piece of shit we've ever had, fortunately we're bringing it back next year. It's a sleeper all right, and it's still sleeping hard!
Half the paint already ran away from it!
FAKE! Why would you pay for a rear center console in leather and then cover it with carbon for an extra 895 euro?
@wkiernan: He'll need the two seats. One for each but cheek!