

I love how Tig worked the whole masturbating under the desk thing into the show-it was brilliantly done and the emotions of it handled well (as well as the reality of being in that situation).

Sanders face looks like it is melting to me—not waxy, but like there is too much skin for her skull. And the damn smugness (KellyAnne too)

True story-many years ago I had 2 students who worked at a premier strip club in Canada (to pay their way through college). 100% nudity. They would tell me stories about professors they’d had who were at the strip clubs all of the time (while they were students enrolled in their classes). And also get lap dances from t

If I can chime in, I highly recommend you start with the SEED method (Simple Easy Everyday Meditation). I took a workshop from the author in Sedona a couple of years ago—she doesn’t do any of the “woo woo” psychic stuff Sedona is infamous for and focuses more on the method and the science behind it. Tiny little book,

I had a partial hysterectomy (they left my ovaries in). Are you implying I could still get pregnant? Where would a fertilized egg go?

I really hope they all sue the pants off the University, and him. I work at a college, and the general amount of arrogance and hubris that exists in male academics is mind-boggling (yes, there are a few good eggs). Definitely cultural.

Isn’t this what being shaded is all about? At a deep brain reptilian level, I do think that Donald Trump fears he is a total piece of shit, and no one likes him. This shade hits the bull.

Shallow and Sheltered sums up most of the 5% in SoCal. I can understand why the Deplorables are so disgusted (flaming liberal here!!!!!)

This gets ALL of the stars!!!

But....but, the beautiful chocolate cake!!

I was a tourist in Alaska a few months before Palin was picked as McCain’s running mate. She’d given birth to her son with down’s syndrome and was a very popular governor “We the people!”. She turned into Satan’s s asshole, but I can understand why she had some appeal at the time.

Shade Court was the highlight of my Friday. Love love love your writing style and wit. Sad for me (and us readers) but so happy for you and can’t wait to see your new show. I’m glad they didn’t bring someone else to take over Shade Court because I don’t think anyone could do it as well. Peace out.

Thinking of Philando Castile, and all of the brown people murdered by police for the crime of DWB.

I’m just coming back from a couple of weeks overseas. I felt like I spent half my trip apologizing profusely for Trump. He’s really turned us into a laughingstock, and my general sense was the world is absolutely horrified. And yes, Angela Merkel is now seen as the leader of the free world.

“Sane” for a while—it’s generally well known that Reagan’s Alzheimer’s began during his presidency, Nancy & his team worked really hard to hide it. But they at least were politicians, and in retrospect (as about a liberal as a liberal can be) for all they did to fuck up the country by fucking over the middle class,

I agree—shade is way more subtle/indirect. I think Mika’s tweet was a clapback.

I posted this in a comment reply, but if you haven’t yet read this Vanity Fair piece I highly recommend. It explains a lot about Trump and how he evolved from an ignored spoiled brat into a full blown monster.

If you haven’t read the Vanity Fair piece, it explains a lot about Trump & his behavior:

Sounds like ISIS.