Yes they do steal money & other resources from the public school system, and yet fail to yield higher outcomes/test scores for the students who attend them. If any positive can be found in the whole charter school system, it’s that they help illustrate just how pervasive poverty is and how critical fixing the social…
I rewatched the episode today-they were actually 2 different dresses (you can see slight differences in the leather pattern if you look closely). The one she was coronated in looks like exact same leather pattern of “jacket” Tywin used to wear-the one she was wearing earlier had smaller little black poplin dots/studs.…
I rewatched the episode today-they were actually 2 different dresses (you can see slight differences in the leather pattern if you look closely). The one she was coronated in looks like exact same leather style of “jacket” Tywin used to wear. Maybe she had a dozen of them made, Cersei is in badass General Lannister…
Also, can I please get ungrayed? I’ve been playing very well with others in the sandbox for quite some time here. Thank you.
I hear ya, but my SO has a 1999 M3 (60k miles, summer fun car) that has held its value pretty well. He does all of the maintenance-oil changes, brakes, etc. I had a lemon of a Lexus before so am hoping the Germans will be a better bet.
Daario led the charge of the Dothraki. He was on screen for about 2 seconds, screaming on his horse while wielding a scimitar
I thought EVERYTHING about this epsiode was perfect. Seriously, with GOT it’s like watching a one hour action movie every week. Tyrion & Dany’s dialogue with Theon & Yara was on point, and all of the battle scenes were spectacular. Anyone who bitches about this show should be forced to watch Love Boat reruns for…
Made me google it too (and I’m a Latina). Interesting.
I can see that-a young guy who is highly oversexed on internet porn, but without the “skills” to chat up a potential hookup and seduce. Feels entitled to adulation/submission because of star athlete status which was no doubt built up during high school. Gets drunk at a party, lowers inhibitions, and becomes majorly…
excellent read-thanks for posting
You ARE the law #homegrownjustice.
love the moniker, please let’s leave it lower case cheetos so my favorite filthy snack, which I guiltily enjoy being covered in the stench of, isn’t wrongly denigrated.
Oh yeah-she had major nose, lips, brow, & jaw shaving. The sad thing is she was 100% beautiful under any standard before having plastic surgery. She was unbelievably stunning as a 13, 14 year old model. She had her own distinct look—the face she was born with—and was unbelievably gorgeous under any natural beauty…
I completely agree—fewer guns make this shitty world a less dangerous place for all of us. I don’t see civil rights for all & reasonable gun laws as an either/or.
I agree-the good could be the tipping point of outrage for the general public to finally rail against the NRA and make reasonable gun legislation. It’s not ideal, but it’s a start. If fucking Australia could do it within a couple of decades (and they are largely drunken obnoxious uncultured assholes just like us—so…
For the haters, love doesn’t belong to anyone at all, least of all themselves—- which is a big part of the problem. I wish you, your stepson & his partner light and love in this journey we call life.
+infinity—best comment in this thread