His eyes are too close together-something that plastic surgery can’t fix. He looks like 2016 Cro-Magnon man (and acts like it too)
His eyes are too close together-something that plastic surgery can’t fix. He looks like 2016 Cro-Magnon man (and acts like it too)
What about those of us who support both? I like & admire Hillary and believe she will make a great president. But Bernie sings the song of my people, and I want Hillary to be able to shake off some of her establishment schtick and go a little socialist on us. There is such a money and power gap between most…
I don’t disagree with you, but it’s a tough one. The minute one starts pointing fingers and saying “us vs. them” it seems to bring out the worst in people regardless of culture & religion. Very few countries have a stellar history on human rights in general and excluding diversity doesn’t seem to serve anyone well.…
I appreciate your insight. My SO’s family lives in Stuttgart so I’ve visited Germany about a dozen times, also spent a couple of months traveling through the east (Weimar, Berlin). I have a very good friend who were born and raised in Ireland, and she moved to Scotland because of the inhumane abortion laws. She sent…
My (admittedly) limited understanding is that they’ve had a long & strong feminist tradition, and post-WWII passed many laws on gender equality in the workplace, etc. This sexual harassment law seems nonsensical for a stereotpyically sensible culture.
Seriously Germany? This is unbelievable, I’d thought they were a lot more progressive than that.
I will keep doing me, thanks so much for your encouragement. If your definition of a bigot means someone who doesn’t support an arbitrarily structured system of belief that encourages followers to live in fear of the unseen almighty and imposes a random belief system based on bullshit codes and laws & empowers a…
Please unbunch your knickers-I’m not a fan of any organized religion, of which Hinduism is definitely one. I love how you all think you’re “right”, it’s all about being a good person. Harrumph.
Actual official classification term for the intellectually disabled, used 100 years ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moron_(ps…
I agree-it’s more about the labels us darn humans tend to slap on things as a way of making some organized sense of life. We’re all basically just semi-intelligent apes trying to make our place in on this rock hurtling through space as comfortably as we can, without dying prematurely.
No-it’s believed & has been proven to some extent that yoga actually pre-dated Hindu practices. Hinduism is another organized religion which co-opted practices amongst the people that they used to survive the stress & anxiety of day to day life and commercialized it into a program to sell to the people (which is what…
You are wrong-both mindfulness & yoga have long been associated with different religions and traditions like Buddhism & Hinduism, but the actual practice predates any known organized system of religion, harkening back to ancient cave paintings and human evolution. I do agree the term has been & continues to be…
As do most of her clothing choices—I think Heidi is a freaky deaky sort of gal
Sidebar comment-as someone who drives a lot for work, have you considered listening to audiobooks,? You can rent them for free from your local library. It makes a lot of time spent in the car so much more pleasant. I’m currently plowing my way through all 36 hours of Game of Thrones. I couldn’t imagine my typical 12…
This is spectacular (I’ve never seen it before)-thank you for posting
This can’t be helping her custody case #batshitcrazy
And they all launder a lot of their money through PMK’s “church” in Agoura Hills so it’s tax exempt.
Especially after seeing him slowly eject & swallow that Tonsil stone in the last Repub debate, I imagine his horrible halitosis that adds to his general aura of repulsiveness
None of the K-men are mentally well. Scott has turned from the garden variety benignly rich douchebag drunk frat-boy he was into a raging alcoholic sliding into middle age with no signs of stopping until death despite his 3 kids. Lamar maybe could have been saved if Khloe wasn’t a Kardashian (I do think she really…