Black B5

Why can’t toyota sell me an EV that doesn’t have 2 suffixes and looks like a juggalo?

What does it say about the kind of people who run for, and are elected to these offices, that they can’t step aside and advise or be a resource to the younger generations. No, they have to stay in charge. They must be the ones there and everyone else isn’t capable.

This is an interesting insight into the priorities of a person like Cruz though. In a stupid hypothetical, he broke because the need to say the correct thing and also the need to make sure he doesn’t say the wrong thing are in opposition. He can’t be pro world hunger, but he also can’t have a sound bite of him saying

I’m starting to view all of these bills as childish, “you can’t make me” bills. The people writing them, and voting for them, and making all of the excuses for why they are needed are just showing obstinance in the face or reality.

The best horror movies are ones that make the viewer ask questions about meaning and choices. The reasoning of the Antagonist is not always supposed to be known. The unknown makes the movie better because it asks it viewer to make up their own mind about it. They make the viewer confront something they don’t and let

Neither App was perfect, but I agree the Funimation App was much better interface than the CR app. I liked how you could choose a show, and it would let you change the settings for audio and what not without listing a whole season for each version. I was annoying that it counted new dubs as new episodes in the feed,

That not entirely true.... they care that, once born they are used as pawns in culture wars until they can die in real ones... The way god intended.

Was this one of the dual carb on single cylinder bikes that has different jetting in each carb? Like a Primary low RPM carb and a full throttle Carb?  

It could be much worse for Mitsubishi than using a Clio for their market expansion. I hope they at least try and make it fun to own and drive rather than aim for the sub KIA market. It’s hard to imagine telling my 90s highschool self that KIA would be a better car then Mitsubishi in 20 years. I loved the Montero my

People need to be able to get their heads around the difference between “unknown”, and “unknowable”. The smell of mars is unknown, but we can find out. The reason for existence, conscious thought, life in general, is unknowable, but the answer doesn’t really matter. 42 is as good an answer as any, because any time

Hong Kong MTR/ Trams, or The all together Istanbul Transit. Istanbul has subway, streetcar, cable cars, and ferry all linked together with little red plastic tokens. Hong Kong had double decker trams for local rides and the immaculate MTR subway to move around the city. Ferries in HK are extra as is the gondola

This is peak Florida. That turn will be great on TV as mosquitos and other bugs cake the front of cars. Nothing says “luxury” like a stagnant pond with fancy boats in it.  

First repair was a water pump on my older brother’s ‘83 S-10 Blazer. I replaced it with the remanufactured pump from the parts store with a warranty. 2 weeks later I replaced it again. Then once more after another 2 weeks. They all started leaking from the housing around the pully.

I would bet money the 550 was daddy’s before it was a hand me down to the son. Might even find its still insured by Don the first and little Donny is just listed as a driver. 

Isn’t part of being an adult getting past the “Everyone needs to look at me” phase? This stinks of people who desperately want to be finished with puberty but argue with the phrase, “I’m a grown up, you can’t tell me what to do” .

I like the awning.... Its the red flag I would appreciate when looking for a place not to camp near.

You have the word “android” not asteroid in the head line.....

I have never understood why you would ever want a chair that was designed like a motorsport seat anywhere but in a car. A seat designed to restrict your ability to move works when you are being pushed around by a car, it actually makes you work less hard to support yourself under the constant direction changes, but

I find it weird that people would find offense at running in a cemetery where in most cases nothing is going on the majority of the time.

I told myself, “The timing belt will last a few more weeks.... its fine... I will replace it after the end of the semester.”