
When you Have to explain this much about your movie, you’ve done a poor job making said movie

Jesus, if you think we’re going to have anything CLOSE to the Holocaust Pt.2, have I got a bridge to sell you...

Bingo. Momma made her choices, the baby takes precedence.

Yeah, no. That’s bullshit. Disney has that shit planned out for the next 50 years, AND has contingency plans in case an actor dies or a deal falls through.

I live in Ann Arbor so I can tell you that we don’t really have any specialized toy stores. A few comic shops here stock toys (Vault of Midnight, etc...) but they charge a lot more for collector’s toys than R Us.

“Here’s the thing though—just because a lot of people are watchingsomething doesn’t mean that that something is good.”

Meh, good for anyone that wants this, but if I wanted to see a spy movie I’d watch James Bond (and I don’t even like James Bond!) I like my superhero movies to either have costumes or powers (preferably both, and before anyone says it, no, I haven’t enjoyed any Batman movies besides the Adam West one for camp value)

The correct answer is Sisko if the question is “Who’s the lamest captain?” ;)


The fact that so many people disliked this movie should surely make people wonder if they just like it because Star Wars, at least that’s how it SHOULD be...

It’s pretty much a repeat of how you weren’t allowed to dislike the Ghostbusters reboot, because if you did it meant you HATED TEH WIMMENZZZZZ

Who on God’s green Earth are you?

I love how everybody goes “b-b-but if you think about it from the character’s point of view!!!” Please, I came to see a Star Wars movie and be entertained, not to have to fill in the blanks as to why characters are acting like idiots

Give it about a year, everyone verbally fellating Rian Johnson and proclaiming their love for TLJ will swear up and down that it’s awful and they never ever ever liked it!

Oh God you’re right! Well I’ll just take em for the placebo effect ;D

Me too, but I’m gonna take some EU pills to get it back!

Meh. That is all.

I too have pondered that. If a black guy can cosplay Batman, it stands to reason a white guy could do Black Panther right?

I’ll contend that most Youtube mashups are gawdawful but that one above where words are reused is fucking genius on so many levels

I’m giving you a C- for your poor trolling efforts