
"Where do you draw the line between FREE speech and HATE speech?
And why hasn't Farrakhan been jailed for the latter?"

totally. they are horrible cultures that have nothing to add to anything. with you 100 percent.

cool. bye.

that gives me the sadz.

you already knew about it.

i'm done sprinkling knowledge on white folk. bye.

no. beyoncé often has her visual albums and videos up for limited amounts of time.

if i was making comments on your "post" for 12 hours, yeah, that would be a cliched stovetop kitchen implement sitcheashin. yup.

naw, i didn't come up with it by myself. some white person standing behind me who is demanding to use my computer for me came up with it.

it's his opinion. duh.

some of yall white people don't even know what the hell "free speech" IS.

sure. say what you want. no one cares.


like i said - too late.

some of yall trolled this all. day.

not interested.

too late. he already told you what to do.

tl dr.


every culture has NOTHING to offer the world. thank god for iphones.