Black Randal

I’d rather there be a Constitutional amendment limiting the size of any company to 5% of the market, or something akin to that.

Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.

Even the supposedly good part (Disney getting the rights to fox’ marvel properties) doesn’t strike me as that great. Age of Apocalypse aside, Fox has largely done well with the X-Men property (both in the cinema and on TV) and I’d just as soon keep mutants in their own universe away from MCU. You could argue that FF

Aw shit...

Capt Panaka. Star Wars black version of StarTreks Yeoman Smith except he lived through all his away missions.

There is only one man qualified to answer this question, and he happens to work at your office.

Up the ass. No lube. No spit. No foreplay. Rough. Very very rough.

We’re so fucked. So, so fucked.

“you’re talking about it usually to other white liberals.” in a great statement, this is the MOST true.

Never go full screen.

My wife went into it with barely any Warcraft experience and a basic love of fantasy films and came out happy.