
Then you haven’t been paying attention. Their satire has only gotten more on point. If anything, the early seasons were more interested in offending for the sake of offending. The latest episodes are always topical and always have a point.

It took me seven tries. Are you referring to the PC people? Those PC/SJW people are shown as not a parody on the show but the insane people they are. They don’t need to make fun of them. Just playing them straight seems to be working.

I....don’t....I know those are words in a sentence but I don’t know what your saying.

Yeah, something must have happened beforehand, because they most certainly are not trying to pass, they’re going the same speed continually next to the car in the right lane. Regardless, if I’m in a Z and some Ram is about to run into my rear, I think I’m taking off and getting off the highway and to the nearest