Anytime I take my TR6 out, it gets parked with the top down. Why? Because people intent on getting into the car are more than willing to rip/tear through the top than try the unlocked door.
Anytime I take my TR6 out, it gets parked with the top down. Why? Because people intent on getting into the car are more than willing to rip/tear through the top than try the unlocked door.
To be fair, I could see a point to having meals that would have exactly the caloric and nutritional requirements to be an ideal meal even if they were boring. Maybe you’d eat them 5 days of the week and you’d have more exciting fare the other two days. The problem with this (and the real life Soylent, not to be…
I’d say it’s always good to assume others were exposed to different cooking practices. Plus, not everyone is comfortable with grease as a cooking agent, especially if they grew up in a low-fat household.
bummer! lacy edges are my favorite egg feature.
We all know that they are going to choose Dr. Oz to prolong our long national nightmare.
“Start slideshow”
It sounds like the dog was a photo op...
Also, this asshole came from money, married money, and has money. He could have outsourced that training and care to an expert but NOPE!
You can always judge a man by how he treats his dog. It seems that not only is this dog under socialized, and under trained, but it is also unloved and suffering from lack of proper stimulation. Poor thing.
I’m a little offended by your suggestion I wouldn’t be familiar with these rom com references, both because I am not a philistine and because I literally mention When Harry Met Sally in the same paragraph.
Counterpoint: you can be compelled to use your face or fingerprint to open your phone by law enforcement; you cannot be compelled to enter a password.
That’s a homemade-ass Excel spreadsheet with a Forbes logo applied over some cells shared amongst rich twerps. I wonder how many of those names are linked to unknown #MeToo stories.
Most modifications tend to be a compromise. Want to improve the road handling by lowering the suspension? Compromise comfort. Wan’t more power? Kiss your MPGs goodbye. There are exceptions, of course, but automakers spend billions to engineer a car that makes the best compromises it can so any deviation we make with ou…
Yup and you don’t have to take the “groupies” words for it. They put it in their songs for all to hear. Even if you are the sort of asshole who thinks “groupies” are subhuman. A quick glance at the discography of the famous musicians of that era shows what a creepstastic hellscape music was at the time.
Please be clear, I’m excusing NONE of this behavior. But I think if there was no statute of limitations and video recordings in the 60's, probably 70%+ of all the classic rocks stars could be found guilty of sexual assault and/or statutory rape. There is really no dissenting voices when it comes to the testimony of…
Do you expect your parents to live with us when they retire, or do they expect it?
Back when I did the glitter polish thing, I found that if I just dumped straight up loose glitter on my nail while the polish was still wet, it would last forever without chipping (and give you a really opaque solid glitter look, which is hard to achieve without 17 layers of glitter polish).
Mushrooms are for eating. Shrooms are for tripping.