Between this and that gawd-awful Benghazi movie, is Jim from the Office hiding some extremely regrettable politics?
Between this and that gawd-awful Benghazi movie, is Jim from the Office hiding some extremely regrettable politics?
Younger women are happy to learn from older women... when “learning” doesn’t mean sitting down, shutting up, and never questioning their elders. Rather too many of these women have bought in too hard to idea that they’ve automatically aged into the right to be Wise Crones who are always right and have nothing to learn…
Log Cabin Republicans: “ThE dEmOcRaTs ArE tHe ReAl BiGoTs.”
As someone who travels a lot for work, I see the oversold thing happen WAY too often. Airlines will ask if passengers are willing to take a gift card to make room on the plane.
And you know what else is unethical? The price gouging that buyers have to deal with. How is it $200-$300 cheaper to book a flight from MSP to RDU with a layover in CLT versus a direct flight from MSP to CLT? I, too, have no remorse for taking advantage of their pricing system because they are taking full advantage of…
“Suppose American cancels the flight and routes you onto Delta through Atlanta.”
“And don’t check a bag, either, or it might end up at the wrong destination.”
How is this unethical? If the airline offers a ticket where it is cheaper to travel this way, then they need to rethink how they price their product. If they charged based on a simpler principle like, say, actual distance, there wouldn’t be the need to be policing this stuff.
Sorry but Airlines are not the business hill I would choose to defend. Saying people shouldn’t book these tickets because they are taking away possible seats from other passengers is ridiculous in a business that regularly over-sells seats and punishes paying customers based on this practice. When airlines start…
Or, just soak it in water, throw it on the grill, and shuck it after. The silks come off pretty easy once it is cooked.
Traumatized former PP employee here. I worked for them for 3.5 years and was scared to the point of feeling ill, on a daily basis, that my job was going to be axed with no warning. I was luckily able to leave for another job, but regardless of if you leave on good terms or you were axed, you are DEAD to PP once you…
A frozen knob of ginger (I remove the peel before putting it in the freezer) grates much easier than a fresh piece.
Natalie Portman was 18 in 1999 when he claims the brief romance happened.
“No, she was definitely 20 years old in 1999 when we dated, even though she was only 18 years old in 1999.”
It’s a physical impossibility for Elon Musk to be out of anyone’s league. If it wasn’t for the Musk Family Emerald Mine, he’d be playing video games in a basement suite with at least one samurai sword on the wall.
Wrong — it has measured metabolic effects beyond losing weight. It’s just that you guys don’t like reading research. The science is clear, it’s not the same thing as eating smaller meals, sorry. No miracles, but it has metabolic advantages to what you suggest based on what worked for your aunt.
Does anyone know what percentage of diocese priests this represents? Because 690 accused priests seems like an awful lot of them. How many priests can there be in a diocese? I have no reference point here.
Is it to difficult to add a list to this post? I hate watching videos...
Here’s the thing. Of course it is better to be direct, and personally I always am in these situations. But there’s a reason why some people aren’t, and that reason is that sometimes the person who’s asking for the date is completely unreasonable. Remember last year when a woman got stabbed in a club for not giving a…