Here comes the sore loser bullshit. This bug has no relation to the scripting that you claim exists.
Here comes the sore loser bullshit. This bug has no relation to the scripting that you claim exists.
Biheart formation? Are we playing the same game? The one where the offense team has three widowmakers and the defence team 4 Tracers?
Wait, you are suggesting to pick Reinhardt to counter Bastion and to pick Bastion to counter Reinhardt?
In the first week it sold more copies on steam than xbone and xbox360 combined, so nope, not flopping. You are just getting less interested in videogames ;)
it says free, not 3
Thats not what trans means.
How is bestbuy screwing people if they only inform them that they've ordered too late from their limited stock?
it has been available fo a while now - with an adapter i might add :)
Yeah and android has probably like 500, sadly most of them are flappy bird clones.
Yeah thats definitely a new controller, I wouldn't buy a wii u now if I were you. Looking a what nintendo did with the new 3ds, the new wii u might get a new processor and exclusive games.
pretty sure no one will agree with skyward sword > twilight princess